X-Ray Data Services (XDS) are a spin-off company from the University of Malaga, which arise from a group of experts in materials characterization through X-ray diffraction.
This spin-off is formed by Dr. Marta García Maté with Dr. Mª Ángeles Gómez de la Torre and Dr. Miguel Ángel García Aranda as scientific advisors.
XDS arise due to the detected need for the characterization of materials through this technology. Our main purpose is to apply and transfer the knowledge acquired in the university to the different business areas such as: geological sciences, mineralogical, chemical, aeronautics, biochemistry, pharmacology, archaeology, palaeontology or environmental sciences.
Our company is a technology-based business project that provides different services based on X-ray data, and adapted to the needs of industrial customers. XDS has the following characteristics:
Relate to universities, research and/or technology centers, etc
Develop an intensive activity in scientific-technological knowledge and I+D+I
Have a highly qualified scientific staff
Use innovation as a competitive advantage
XDS allow a fluid accessibility of the industrial customer to the latest advances in this technique of materials characterization with the aim of solving/avoiding problems and facilitate innovation and generation of new products, processes or services:
To achieve the desired goal of making this technology accessible, transferring knowledge and facilitating innovation, XDS provides the following services:

Data Analysis
Data obtained from X-ray diffraction experiments for the characterization of inorganic or organic compounds/mixtures. The analysis of the data involves the preparation of a final report with a detailed interpretation of the results obtained, providing as much as possible suggestions to the client to improve a production process or solve a specific problem. It should be noted that it is not important where the data collection takes place. This can be carried out either in the diffractometers of private companies or in public R&D Centers, large facilities such as synchrotron, neutron source, etc.
Support / Adapted help
XDS provide support for the different needs of the customer in: sample preparation, strategies and methodologies for data collection and the use of different commercial X-ray diffraction data analysis software.
This service is designed for that customer (cement company, manufacturing of ceramic materials and pigments, metallurgical, pharmaceutical, etc.) that has installed an X-ray diffractometer and whose staff requires the necessary skills to efficiently carry out the use of the acquired infrastructure, obtaining the maximum economic benefit to this investment.
Highlight that our staff is highly qualified to provide scientific support and analysis and interpretation of data. Therefore, XDS offer theoretical / practical sessions fully adapted to the needs of the customer that may include:
– Sample preparation to acquire X-ray diffraction data.
– Strategies and methodologies for the correct collection of X-ray diffraction data.
– Use of different softwares for data analysis.
– Data collection in non-environmental conditions such as high temperature, etc.
– Collection of X-ray diffraction data in large facilities (such as synchrotrons) and their subsequent analysis.
– Other advanced courses.

Consulting / R+D+I
XDS can advise companies in the process of acquisition of a diffractometer that properly fulfil their requirements. XDS can advise companies in the efficient use of an already installed diffractometer.
XDS think that knowledge transfer is the way by which expertise, capabilities and skills are transferred from the knowledge-base to those in need of that knowledge. Innovate and transfer knowledge to face the challenges posed by both public and private institutions, nationally and internationally. This is intended to transfer research and scientific knowledge to promote R+D+i in companies.
Who are we?
Bachelor of Chemistry (University of Malaga, 2008).
PhD in Chemistry (University of Malaga, 2014).
Scientific Director Spanish Synchrotron ALBA. (2012 – 2019)
Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Malaga.